The unique part about the Telhio wall, StreetSpark official Jennifer Acus-Smith said, “is that it wraps around the corner of the building, so we thought that would be a pretty neat challenge for artists to look at how a mural could wrap around the corner.”
With the Hamilton firefighters’ union hall, which will serve as a meeting hall and office, “that’s in German Village and I thought that would be a neat one too, because we haven’t worked with that theme before — I think artists can come up with some interesting themes around firefighters,” she said.
The two city utility boxes both are located at entrances to business districts, the one at Main and B being an entrance to the Main Street business district, and the other at High and MLK being an entrance to the downtown district along High Street, she noted.
“So they are about 5-by-6-feet,” and the idea is for the murals to wrap all the way around each utility box, “so that’s more of a 3-dimensional approach they can take to that,” Acus-Smith said.
For those utility boxes, “when you drive by, you wouldn’t even really notice them, but then when you start looking for them, you see them everywhere — they’re at every main intersection,” she said.
“You wouldn’t notice them, but I think when we’re done painting them, you’ll definitely notice them.”
The submission deadline for mural-design entries is Sunday, Jan. 31. Designers of the building murals will receive $700 apiece this year, while designers of the utility-box murals will receive $500, which will include pay for them to paint their designs on the utility boxes.
With larger building murals, designers can be paid to paint murals of their works if they have experience doing so.
Other information in the call-to-artists can be found at There will be a 6 p.m. Dec. 15 “meeting” for artists wanting more info.
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